Blue Ridge Rangers Rides Again

Today on his way to NYC to do the free South Street Pier concert (tomorrow-Wed. nt 7pm) John was on the plane "tweeting" on Twitter with fans...One lucky fan got to John and asked him whether he "preferred the original or new version of CHANGE IN THE WEATHER":

John's tweet : "Right now, I prefer the newer version because it's a lot looser, free-er than the original maybe even funkier. After some time passes, I'll probably consider them equal.

Re: How did you record the tracks and guest vocals on the new album?

John's tweet: "The original tracking sessions were done in seven days last October. We tracked each day from 11 am to about 6:30 pm each day. When Will I Be Loved and Garden Party were done later. Guest vocals and my vocals were done later, after most of the music was completed. - Thx John