Somali Princess

The "Somali Princess" was a modified freighter resembling a Merchantman-class starship in exterior design, but much larger. A young Jeremiah Peterson spent most of his life aboard this ship prior to changing his name and joining Starfleet.

Some time around stardate 2502, the Somali Princess attacked and boarded the Federation shuttle carrier USS Ganymede.

". . .[The crew of the Ganymede] were hailed by the crew of The Somali Princess, an alleged privateer vessel claiming they were hired to assist with evacuees. They reported severe asteroid damage to their warp drive and requested assistance on behalf of their own evacuees, citing the potential for a fatal systems overload. As soon as passengers and crew were beamed aboard, the transporter room was believed to have been taken over.

At about that same moment, it is also believed that several sleeper cells from this group were already aboard the ship; hiding in the shuttle bay among the original Favosian evacuees. They capitalized on this sudden confusion by taking hostages; moving with them to different key locations aboard the ship. Firefights in various sections aboard Ganymede were reported as well. . ." - From the official security report of Lt. Sauren Ch'od.