
A young Sybok, circa 2270-71

Sybok of Vulcan is a vagabond mystic that encountered the crew of the USS Bretagne in 2271.Based on information provided by T'Val, Sybok is a well-known philosophical outcast of Vulcan society. He is considered a revolutionary who sought experience and knowledge which were forbidden by Vulcan belief.As a young student, Sybok was considered to be exceptionally gifted, possessing great intelligence, and it was assumed that he would one day take his place amongst the great scholars of Vulcan. However, Sybok rejected his logical upbringing and chose to embrace emotion, believing that the key to self-knowledge was emotion, not logic. When Sybok encouraged others to follow him, he was banished, never to return.Sybok is obsessed with determining the exact location of "Sha Ka Ree." According to Vulcan mythology, this is where all existence was said to have originated.In 2271, Sybok heard a rumor that planet Psi-Zeta VI harbored an ancient intelligence; possibly that the planet itself was alive. If this were so, then further clues to the location of Sha Ka Ree could be determined.Sybok has the telepathic ability to "free the mind" of individuals from emotional pain and mental trauma. A byproduct of this form of therapy is a profound sense of gratitude. The loyalty inspired by the treatment is proportional to the amount of one's mental trauma.


    • "Behold A Pale Horse"

Links and References

Sybok at Memory Alpha