Robert Wesley

Commodore Robert "Bob" Wesley (retired)

Oversight of the Bretagne

Commodore Wesley personally recommended Max Harper for captain of the U.S.S. Bretagne; however, Starfleet felt Harper was too inexperienced for his own commission. As a compromise, Harper was intially appointed "acting" captain under Wesley's authority.

Wesley was aboard the Bretagne for her shakedown cruise. He had planned to oversee Harper's surprise Kobayashi Maru simulation utilizing Richard Daystrom's M-4 computer. However, just prior to the start of the simulation, Wesley went into anaphylactic shock due to ingesting a grapefruit-based tranya substitute. He was treated by Dr. Warrix, and did not get to see Harper's performance.


Upon retiring from Starfleet, Bob Wesley planned to move to the Mantilles colony (perhaps due to Harper's influence).

Links and References

Robert Wesley on Memory-Alpha