Experimental Transwarp Conduit (XTC)

The Experimental Transwarp Conduit, or "XTC" was a device built in the 23rd century that attempted to prove Transwarp theory, as well as break the Transwarp barrier. The XTC was the creation of Project: Alpha Centauri Transwarp Study (PACTS), founded by Sir Richard McDonnell. The “transwarp conduit” is made up of 2 artificial gateways placed in separate star systems. Each "gate" appears as an array of cylindrical power plants, warp coils, solar cells, and metal gridwork that can generate a warp stasis/suspension field. When activated, this forms an artificial energy corridor just large enough for a shuttlecraft-sized vessel. Because necessary adjustments must be made by hand (such as reacting to the strain put on intertial dampers), only a manned vessel is capable of making this attempt. Robot drones continually drop out of warp prematurelyIn 2268, Richard McDonnell's son Steven attempted to pilot the shuttlecraft Icarus through the XTC. The experiment was considered a disastrous failure that nearly destroyed both the USS Bretagne and USS Andromeda. Appearance:


The XTC is based on an unnamed device in a script premise for Star Trek submitted by David Gerrold in 1967.