Aesop's Stepchildren

The planet Favos IV faces imminent global catastrophe. A rogue asteroid, measuring 11.47 km wide, is on a collision course with the planet. Favos IV has only one week before all life on it's surface becomes extinct. Fortunately, the Favosians were well-prepared for this event. With the help of the Federation, they have managed to evacuate their civilization in an attempt to re-colonize elsewhere. This has been the largest and most successful mass-exodus in Federation history.

The USS Bretagne has been sent to rendezvous with the departing USS Ganymede for an updated briefing, then observe the final moments of Favos IV. While there, they are to rescue any Favosian holdouts and deter looters, if necessary.

Story By Paul Jacoby

GM Narration By Paul Jacoby

Stardate: 3523.6 (2268)



The episode opens with a montage of scenes depicting life aboard the USS Bretagne. Commander Max Harper is sparring with Security Chief Ch'od. The much larger and physically adept sauridian shows little sign of exertion while Harper is quite winded.

Meanwhile, in the rec center lounge, several members of the crew are relaxing off shift. Yeoman Hepzibah is singing "It's Oh So Quiet" while the informal gathering looks on. Ensign Ketcher Block gapes, his sole attention on her sultry performance. At one table Lieutenant "Deano" Bianchi and Ensigns Caesar Velez and Jefferson West are sharing anecdotes. Velez and Bianchi tell West a story of Ensign William Paxton attempting to play Edosian Ping-Pong against Dr. Warrix.

"So he’s just standing there with both paddles out, like he’s trying to fly, or land a shuttle...and he doesn’t even notice the ball bounce off the center of his of the doctor’s signals that you’re way out of your league. The third time it happens, Paxton is all, 'Hey man, you could poke an eye out doing that, what about your "hypocritic[sic]" oath?' Heh heh, and the doctor doesn’t miss a beat. He gives him a vocabulary lesson while balls are flying all over the place."

Harper, shirt off and towel around his shoulders, enters to join in the relaxed atmosphere of the rec room. He sits at the table with Velez, West and Bianchi (some of whom he attended Starfleet Academy with) to swap tales.

On the Bridge, the Bretagne drops out of warp as it enters the Favos system. The bridge crew quickly determines the Ganymede does not appear to be in the system to meet them as planned. However, just beyond the asteroid belt, navigational sensors detect a Merchantman class vessel floating dead in space.

On sensors, Lieutenant Commander T'Val notes the ship is uncharacteristically large for a standard Merchantman. It is severely damaged, systems are neutralized, and its original Federation registry is missing; quite possibly stolen. Its outer hull has been heavily modified for assault. The ship's designation is The Somali Princess. There are several dead life forms, but not nearly enough to make up a crew. No escape pods have been jettisoned. Cargo holds are completely empty.

Senior officers are called to the Bridge. As the Bretagne sets a course to pull alongside the derelict vessel, the Ganymede is detected. It was running silent from behind a moon. As soon as it is detected, the Ganymede powers up to warp out of the system. While escaping, the ship jettisons two objects.

Seeing what little can be done for the Princess, Harper orders Lieutenant Peterson to set an intercept course. As they near the jettisoned items, T'Val reports that sensors have identified the first as a gravitic mine, the second is a large cargo container with faint life signs emanating from it!

Reluctantly, Commander Harper calls off the pursuit and orders an emergency transporter lock on the life signs in the container. Once they are safely aboard, the gravitic mine is detonated from a safe distance with phasers.

Unfortunately, due to this delay, the Ganymede is gone.

In sickbay, Dr. Warrix is working to stabilize the twelve Ganymede crew members that had been found in the cargo container. Two of them die from their injuries. Chief Ch'od questions the survivors and is able to piece together the take over of the Ganymede (see attached security report).

Act I

Meanwhile, the Bretagne continues on their mission to Favos IV, establishing a standard orbit. Somewhat shaken after the theft of the Ganymede, Commander Harper signals the crew to begin work. T'Val scans the surface for humanoid life signs and, indeed, there are a handful in the capital city.

Not sure if they are Favosian holdouts or looters, Harper prepares a landing party, assigning T'Val, Peterson, Lieutenant Van Tassel, Ensign Velez from Security and a recent transfer from the USS Entente, Nurse Colleen McMurphy, to accompany him to the surface.

Beaming down to the capital city of the planet, the landing party is struck by the eerie quietness of the abandoned planet. Wheeled land vehicles line the streets, many with their doors wide open. Harper pauses to admire the engineering (land vehicles being a sport/hobby of his) and notes personal possessions and children's toys strewn throughout the interior, mute witness to the hurried evacuation.

T'Val scans the area for humanoid life signs and finds four registering in the vicinity. A fifth one registers briefly and is gone, possibly an anomalous reading. She points out their direction and the landing party begins threading it's way through the empty capital city.

Scanning as they go, T'Val soon notes an independently guided power source approaching their position, possibly a drone of some sort. The power source turns out to be a Holographic Tour Guide programmed to help off-worlders find points of interest. The landing party tolerates her presence as they continue their mission.

As they track the life signs, they spook a herd of indigenous animals; the wildlife is already reclaiming this recently abandoned urban area.As they near the life signs, the Holographic Tour Guide informs them they are nearing an upscale shopping district with several jewelry stores and other high cost items. As the party nears the location they find a mixed band of human and Orion looters, pirates.

They landing party withdraws to come up with a plan. Harper intends to sneak up close to the looters, who don't seem to be keeping much of a look out since they assume the planet is deserted, and attempt to distract them while the others surround them. Harper proceeds to do so, but the pirates don't fall for his story and draw weapons.

There is a short phaser battle, but the crew of the Bretagne quickly overcomes the pirates. The looters are beamed up to be held and questioned in the brig.

Act II

The landing party continues their mission. They decide to make their way to the Alus (Favos' religious and cultural center), as it is largest object in the center of the city.

During the trip, they stumble across an abandoned shuttlecraft from the Ganymede, probably left there by the looters they encountered. This seems to clearly link the theft of the Ganymede to the work of these pirates.

The landing party enters the park grounds surrounding the Alus (against the cautions of the Holographic Tour Guide) and begin scanning the area. It is soon discovered that there is another holographic field in place in a certain spot on the wall of the edifice. Further investigation shows it is another of the autonomous holographic devices programmed to hide a hole in the side of the building. There is evidence it had been there for several months.

Intrigued at this evident breach of taboo, the landing party decides to investigate the interior of the building. The HTG, summoning the other tour guide for assistance, reprograms itself to become a light source for the party in the pitch black interior.

As they enter the interior of the Alus, it becomes clear that this was once a space ship of a race of beings many times larger than humans. The landing party is dwarfed by the dimensions of the interior space.

Once in the structure, the elusive fifth life sign suddenly becomes clear, though the signal is weakening. The party makes their way to the far end of the building and discovers a tent, equipment and an unconscious Favosian, later revaled to be Senator Bav Amandii. Nurse McMurphy tends to the man while the party looks for clues to why he would have entered this forbidden place.


A computer terminal is found and cables are discovered strung about the room, disappearing into the walls (suggesting they connect to other parts of the structure). A power supply is needed to get some answers, which Lt. Peterson and Ensign Valez are sent to retrieve.

The terminal turns out to house Bav Amandii's personal log. The Senator is a member of one of the two political parties in their bipartisan system of government. Senator Amandii's campaign infiltrated the Alus months ago to temporarily sabotage the asteroid defense system, in an attempt to manipulate the election.

To anyone who finds this, if it’s not too late, the following is the final confession of Bav Amandii. The electorate was always able to detect the honesty of our campaign promises, even up to the very moment we made them. They always knew if a candidate. . .was lying.

So we had to create a disaster, something dramatic and unifying, where we could actually deliver on our promises. Something that would guarantee a landslide victory!

That’s. . .that’s when one of our operatives found a way into the Alus. Violated sacred ground. “Borrowed” some Federation equipment. But that’s how we discovered the secret! Our golden opportunity was before us.

The plan was to provoke an asteroid attack. Then at the right moment, just before the election, we would reveal that we figured out how to control the Alus! Then we would “save” the entire planet at the last possible minute.

We would have become more than heroes. We would be revered as gods. But then something went wrong, and then Starfleet stole our thunder.

Eh. . .I could’ve been a hero! A HERO I tell you. . .and no one would have been the wiser. But we lost control of it somehow. I can’t tell anyone what a terrible thing I’ve done. There’s no way to undo what’s already been done. Either way I’m dead.

Senator Amandii was mortified by his error in judgment, but unwilling to admit what he had done. While everyone abandoned the planet, he remained to die alone.

Once the truth was determined, T'Val was able to easily diagnose the system failure, and repairs were made. Even though the Alus system was quite alien, the landing party was able to re-activate the device just in time to divert the asteroid, allowing the Favosians to return to their planet.

Act IV

The landing party returns to the Bretagne and communicates to Starfleet the turn of events. It is a relief to save the planet, but it is tempered with the realization of the loss of life aboard the Ganymede, as well as the impending danger of having a formidable Starfleet vessel in the hands of unknown pirates.

At this point, little is revealed about the nature of the pirates. Though it is determined that they are part of an organization called the Zarbozan Brotherhood.

Memorable Quotes

Background Information

- The inspiration for this particular episode was taken from the Climategate scandal of 2009.

- The Alus is an homage to the anime series Macross.

Links and References