Project: Alpha Centauri Transwarp Study

Project: Alpha Centauri Transwarp Study (PACTS) was a Federation-sanctioned scientific program; founded by Sir Richard McDonnell of Alpha Centauri. PACTS was an effort to compete with Earth’s Transwarp Development Project (TDP). T'Val was personally skeptical of PACTS, and noted that prominent members of the Vulcan Science Academy had voiced their concerns that the program was too ambitious for its time.

The XTC Experiment

In 2268, PACTS began their first field experiment with the newly constructed XTC #1 and #2: A set of "gates" created to generate an artificial energy corridor that could exceed Warp 10. A specially modified shuttlecraft was prepared for the journey.

The USS Bretagne and USS Andromeda were assigned to both ends of the corridor to monitor the results and retrieve test pilot Steven McDonnell afterward. Andromeda was assigned to monitor the entry gate, while Bretagne was sent to welcome the emerging shuttle on the other end.


The experiment failed on its first attempt. Steven's shuttlecraft was trapped in a quantum singularity, existing in both subspace and normal space at the same time. The crew of the USS Bretagne managed to beam Steven out before both XTC units collapsed and imploded. This then created an artificial black hole that seriously damaged the Bretagne and Andromeda. Both vessels barely escaped.

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