September 24 - September 28, 2012

Monday, September 24

  My photographer told me that my inaugural tie is covered in Swastikas. 




Tuesday, September 25

  I was informed that the shirt is nice, the tie is nice, but together they are "too busy." 



Wednesday, September 26

  My ugliest friend told me, not without irony, that this tie was simply "fugly."



Thursday, September 27

  I like this tie, others at work agreed, but one co-worker said he wants me to stop tie-shopping at thrift stores, because, "every man needs an expensive tie."  I disagree.



Friday, September 28

  I ironed this shirt last night, I explained, but truthfully I am very bad at ironing.  My co-workers did not believe me; they accused me of lying.  No, I really am that bad with an iron. :(