November 25 - November 29, 2013

Monday, November 25 

High praise for this blue tie and overall look. "Very 80s tie," I'm told. "Botswana's flag," I'm also told. But Botswana's landlocked, I protested.

Tuesday, November 26

For putting in a 10-hour day last Friday, my boss took off his purple tie right before I left and handed it to me. This is, that purple tie:

Wednesday, November 27

"Very Ivy League," I am told this pretty pink tie is. Molly Ringwald-esque, I had thought. Chappy Chanukah.

Thursday, November 28

Thanksgiving-Federal Holiday

Who is that kid in the background of this picture, and what is he doing?

Friday, November 29

Friday after Thanksgiving, and the office is bare. They are all missing my tie. And there is a certain majesty in this tie. Let me tell you.