July 15 - July 19, 2013

Monday, July 15

Got my badge turned the wrong way, but even on a Monday, when you've got an energy drink and an awesome tie, the world is still your oyster.

Tuesday, July 16

I have nothing to say today. I like this tie. That's something, I guess. (And yes, I tightened the knot shortly after the picture was taken. So get off my back!)

Wednesday, July 17

Is that a "skinny tie"? Skinnier, certainly. Am I a "hipster"? What the hell is a hipster? Eh, whatever I am today, I like the shirt and tie.

Thursday, July 18

I think today's ensemble is damn-near perfect. The shirt and the tie, even the pants, are all in beautiful harmony. But not everybody agrees.

Friday, July 19

I stand triumphant; boldly, amidst a sea of greens.