"congrats'. that is longer than your longest relationship with a woman."

September 24, 2012 - March 25, 2013 

Last Friday, March 22, completed the 26th week. Technically, on Sunday I surpassed the 6-month mark on this great accomplishment, and now there is little to do but lean back and bathe in glory. Because, really, when I was but a child, growing up in the distant and bucolic reaches of rural Wisconsin, who could have foreseen it would be me somehow reaching out to touch the hand of God, discovering and tapping a powerful reserve that allowed me to wear a different tie to work every day for a full one half of one calendar year?

Sitting comfortably, secure, with tears streaming and heart fluttering, I think back on this long road—one that continues indefinitely into a wide open future of infinite possibility—and I am filled with the special pride that accompanies the knowledge that my mighty landmark places me in this special box seat of history.

I take comfort in the knowledge that each workday brings another new birth around my neck, and I credit that inner strength for making me a better man. It is all because of the leader who has emerged. It is all because, of my ties.

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