April 20 - April 24, 2015

Monday, April 20

Feeling lousy, nurse wants me to talk to my supervisor and go home. We'll see. It's just that I have such an important role, here. With my colorful Monday tie.

Tuesday, April 21

Somehow this tie speaks out as "herbal" to me. But it's Tuesday, AKA "Deceitful Monday," and I remain sickly. Allergies, they say.

Wednesday, April 22

Love the creative stick figure. But what does that say? "Coop"? "Coops"? "Colop"? It's a Wednesday saturated with fashion uncertainty.

Thursday, April 23

"All-American." Look at that magnificent baseball necktie. I should be holding a damn apple pie.

Friday, April 24

An elegant design to today's tie, to be sure, but the colors really stand out. Powerful colors choke me this Friday.