February 24 - February 28, 2014

Monday, February 24

"Wow, I like it," she said, "you look like a grown up today," in my classy, classic (boring) light blue shirt and standard stripes. 



Tuesday, February 25

I bragged that my Canadian-made tie has a "Metropolitan Museum of Art" label, and co-worker declared me to be, and I quote, "Mister Fancypants." But my pants have nothing to do with this New York tie.


Wednesday, February 26

I like the tie, but. But it says 100% silk, but it feels kind of clothy. Lots of loose ends. But I like the look of it. Dammit.

Thursday, February 27

I had no comb, so the hair remains imperfect. The tie, though. A professional exercise in urban sophistication (what does that even mean?).

Friday, February 28

Work was horrible; 10-hour day with no lunch break. But throughout I was dazzled by my Nordstrom tie that I named the "Wannabe Nike Swoosh."