MBBB Retrospective

(Note: create a separate page for each member and link to the bio page? Want to include old home vs. new home, wedding pictures, etc.)


(Original members vs. current members (only Marc and Dave have participated in every MBBB)

Email Addresses

When the 1st annual May Birthday Bash Bonanza was in its planning stages, our email addresses were the following. Try emailing these now and see how many don't get bounced back as undeliverable.

Matt: msb21@cornell.edu

David: struckd@bc.edu

Marc: trademarc1@aol.com, mfs200@is6.nyu.edu

Eugene: chaego@aol.com

Span: bf18415@binghamton.edu

Russ: rlark@ic.sunysb.edu, rjl34@worldnet.att.net


(Get old pics from yahoogroups to compare with recent pictures)

Likes and Dislikes

(Can use old Biography data before updating it: e.g., Marc liked Star Trek Voyager back then and we all hated Austin Powers when we first saw it. Mehr had NBA.com as his website: now he doesn't follow it much but Marc is a huge B-Ball fan)