Handball Proposal


Town Park. Backup would be Calhoun, or any other park that has a handball wall.

Length of time

We estimate 2 hours 15 minutes.


General Game Play Procedure

One line, 4 players involved at once, everyone gets three outs. The first person gets Ace protection (only if there is three or more people). The first person starts off with a toss against the wall, then the second person hits it, then the third, and so on, until someone screws up (then that person gets an out and no matter where they are in the line, they go to the end). The ball must bounce once before hitting the wall. The ball must also fall in between the court lines. In returning the ball, you must hit the ball before it bounces twice (yes you can hit the ball in the air before in bounces once). A carry is not accepted, and the judges will judge carries. Hitting out of turn is not accepted (you get one warning then you get outs).

Tournament Structure

Only 4 people play per game. This makes the court more open and less prone to interference. The rest of the people (2 or 3, depending on Euge being there or not) act as judges.

Everyone plays the same number of games, and everyone sits out the same number of games. This allows for a fair standard for a point system. Everyone gets a chance to be Ace, King, etc.

A win = 4 points. 2nd place = 3 points, etc.

The players with the 4 highest point totals advance to the Final (ties are broken by the number of victories, then by number of 2nd place finishes, then by number of 3rd place finishes, then by a head to head playoff). They line up in the order that they finished in the standings. The winner of the Final is the tournament champion.

Under this system, we'll need to play 7 or 8 games (again depending on Euge). That's one full rotation of sitting out, plus the Final. A rotation schedule will be written as soon as we know how many people will be participating.

Special Rules

Interference is not allowed. For the first offense, a warning will be issued. For subsequent offenses, the offending player will

receive an out. If the interference is accidental, then there is no penalty. But it should only be considered accidental if the player made a serious attempt to get out of the way. The judges have full power to make these decisions.

Sometimes, instead of the ball hitting the ground and then the wall, it just hits the space/crack between the two. This is not a valid hit and is considered an out.

Decisions made by the judges are final. People should stop yelling and complaining after the judges make a decision.


Blue Handball, Tape to mark the lines (if at Calhoun).

Cost per person

Nothing, or virtually nothing.


Not applicable.

Any other pertinent information

Not applicable.

(List amendments as well)