MBBB5 Anecdotes

Marc on Capture the Flag

"What a horrifically fantastic time this was! Running around in the torrential rain, exhausted from the non-stop activity. But I can still remember great moments of fun, a bit part of which was that we had never done anything like this before (and really haven't since).

My favorite moment was when I grabbed a flag and Span started sprinting towards me. Now, he's a sprinter, and I'm a long distance runner so I needed a bit of lead to keep him from getting me with his initial burst. Thankfully, I did, and I was able to get away and score a point. I also remember Russ sitting on our flags rather than actively looking for the other team's flags. Isn't that just such a Russ thing? Ha! Then, in the final round, I remember that we cleverly hid one of our flags near the back fence, camoflagued on top of some leaves (since you weren't allowed to bury them). Mehr was running all over the place trying to find it without any luck and I finally yelled at my teammates to help me find flags of our own: 'He can't find it!' And he never did."

August 2, 2011

Marc on Pictionary

"I remember how silly I felt after trying to draw the first clue. It was "banana" or "barrel" or something like that. I thought I was a genius when I tried to draw Donkey Kong to get my teammates thinking in that direction. I wasn't even done with this elaborate drawing of DK when the time had run out. After getting yelled at by my teammates, I knew that I needed to use a lot less detail to get point across more quickly."

August 2, 2011