Dodgeball Proposal

Teams: 4-on-3 format preferably in an (semi-)enclosed area - maybe the tennis courts at Birch?

Equipment: 4 balls, kickball or Nerf, soccer-ball size?

Eight 5-minute sessions where you accumulate points like so: Every time you get someone on the other team out, that's one point for your team. When you get out, you have to touch the back wall/fence to be in again - during the time you are out, you cannot touch any ball or be hit. Whatever team has the most points at the end of the 8 sessions wins.

OK, here's one other thing: Remember playing dodgeball with the pin in the back and once the pin was knocked over, that was the end of the game? Well, we could use something in place of the pin and, in our game, I think knocking the "pin" over would be something like 5 points and would end the session.

Other rules we could have:

    • You must have 2 "in" people on the front half of the court at all times. This is to prevent all 4 people from forming a "wall" around the "pin".
    • You can't keep more than 2 balls on the same side for more than 10 seconds at a time. To do so, would result in a deduction of one point. This is to prevent "ball-hording".