MBBB1 Pics

As mentioned in the MBBB1 recap notes, shamefully, we didn't actually take any pictures during the event. However, because we wanted to express the excitement of the 1st annual event in images, we decided to be a little creative. Below you'll find pictures we used from 1997 (even a Photoshopped or, at the time, MS Painted one!) with the purpose of helping us remember the great time we had.

The Merrick Townhouse Diner is an institution in our little town of Merrick. Recent high school and junior high school graduates come here to enjoy the best pancakes, eggs, and fresh-brewed coffee this side of Bellmore. And don't forget to get a mint before you leave. Look closely through the windows and you can see Span ordering a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, baby, yeah!" We were the only ones in the theater at the Broadway Mall viewing Austin Powers. Look at Mike Myers get down.

The Ultimate game had all the makings of a classic. The defense was tough but Marc makes the catch over Rolly.

Russ (in white) plays defense as Matt (middle) tries to make the grab. Dave (left) looks on.

For all those who doubted Span could go "h", look at this picture. Check out the air he gets!

"This is how to throw a forehand," says Marc (middle) as he tosses a pass during the game. Rolly (left) can't stop it.

Chicken pot pies, chicken sandwiches, mashed potatoes, corn, two kinds of gravy... We love this place.

Eugene, Span, and Dave engaged in a little Mario Kart 64 in the wee hours of the night. We were all exhausted by then and Eugene, with the advantage of only having participated in half of the day (and, therefore, having the highest mental strength at the time) won the "tournament". Meanwhile, Marc and Russ participated in a little Mario Kart of their own by watching the WWF on tape.