MBBB12 Anecdotes

Marc on Movietown

Marc was dismayed that Freefall was gone as he hadn't seen the coin trick David and Fahad did years ago. (need to add detail)

Marc on the Dark Knight Coaster

"It was extremely disappointing and reminded me of our ill-fated wait to ride Skull Mountain many years prior. Both had a supremely long wait and fierce anticipation and both were total letdowns. Darn those indoor roller coasters! (Though I do recall Space Mountain being pretty rad as a child.)"

August 4, 2011

David on Superman: Ultimate Flight

One more MBBB12 detail -- the kid who went to grab the money -- while he was trying to get over/under/through the fence, he ripped his shirt or pants, I forget which. I remember thinking to myself (not saying it, because they were very close to us in line), "Good job, you got the $20. You can use it to buy yourself a new shirt/pants."

(Editor's Note: David should have realized that he didn't need to be hesitant in verbalizing his feelings about this doofus. We would have had his back!)

David on Kingda Ka

Towards the end of the day, you, Span, and Brian were "coastered out". But Eugene and I wanted to do Kingda Ka. We got in line, not sure how long we would have to wait. We said we'd give up after half an hour if the line wasn't moving fast enough. Fortunately for us, we blew through the line and were done within half an hour. Got bruises around my shoulders from Kingda Ka -- from the start of the ride where they "shoot" you off.

Marc on how hot it was

"While David and Eugene were waiting on the line for Kingda Ka, I went to find some water as I was so thirsty. After about 10 minutes of searching, I found a water fountain and just stood there drinking for about 5 minutes. But, just as I got back to the bench that I was sitting on while waiting for David and Eugene, I discovered that I was thirsty all over again. And, bear in mind, that this was not the middle of the day but probably closer to 6 or 7 o'clock."

August 4, 2011

Marc on Dinner

Paper plates, plasticware, still ill from lunch/coasters: but I really enjoyed the food. One of my favorite dinners. (need to add detail)