Football Survivor Proposal

OK, the idea here is to merge the Survivor idea with the football skills competition idea. Basically, we would play Survivor and all the challenges would be football-related. So, we'd start with 2 tribes, one with 4 players and one with 3. We'd have three team immunity challenges where the losing team would lose a member. This could be done at random as Matt suggested or maybe some other way - like a quick challenge. For example, we could set up a circle with cones and each tribe member has to throw a football and try to get it as close to the center as possible. Whichever tribe member misses by most is knocked out.

Then, once we get to four players, the tribes merge. At this point, we would have 2 successive individual immunity challenges where the winner gets immunity and the remaining players again have some way of being knocked out (random or quick challenge). This would leave the last 2 players for one final challenge (this final challenge would somehow involve the other 5 players) where the winner would be the Ultimate Survivor.

As for the setup, Matt and I would make the challenges up and we would coordinate the event. Challenges would be revealed one by one. To give you some idea of the types of challenges we could have, here are some ideas I've come up with (note that this does not necessarily mean they would be included in the actual event).

Team challenges:

    • Pick 3 players. This is a challenge of laterals. Each team will have to carry the football from one endzone to the other in the quickest time possible. The catch is that when you have the football, you can only take up to 3 strides at a time before you have to lateral it to a teammate. Each team will get 3 tries to make their best time and the teams will alternate tries. The team with the best time wins.
    • Pick 2 players. One player will stand at one cone and the other at another cone a certain distance apart. They must basically play a game of catch. The catch, as it were, is that each player must always stay in contact with their cone. The team that makes the most successive catches wins.

Individual challenges:

    • 2 players at a time. A box will be set up with cones. One player will stand a certain distance from the box behind a line (the "thrower"). One player will stand inside the box (the "blocker"). The thrower has to get as many balls as he can to land inside the box (to hit the ground inside the box on a fly). The blocker must stop as many as he can. The thrower will get 10 balls to throw and can throw them as quickly as he wants. For every ball that hits in the box, the thrower gets a point. For every catch the blocker makes (regardless if it was going to land in the box or not), he gets a point. The blocker can also bat balls away from the box but will not be awarded points for doing so. Each player will get one turn each as a thrower and a blocker. The player with the most points at the end wins.

I was thinking that maybe the players who get out could kind of referee some of the later events. However, what you say makes sense. In that case, we would work the players who are out into the following events in ways like those that you described:

For example, include each eliminated person into each future challenge. After the first person is eliminated, he becomes the automatic "blocker" in the thrower/blocker challenge. After the second person is eliminated, he also becomes an opposing force in the next challenge. And so on and so on until a champion is declared. Not only would such a system keep everyone involved throughout the whole event, but it would also give each challenge the same difficulty for each participant/team and allow the challenges to become progressively more difficult.