MBBB3 Anecdotes

Marc on Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace

"I distinctly remember watching all of trailers for this movie over and over and figuring out how many distinct light saber fights and spaceship battles there would be. Mehr asked me to be quiet so as to not hype him up too much. Unfortunately, this ended up being one of the few movies where I actually nodded off a few times. My only salvation was my consistent 'New Hope' as it were; I kept telling myself, 'This is where it's going to start getting good.' It just never happened."

August 2, 2011

Marc on Bowling

"It had probably been about 10 years since I had bowled prior to this MBBB. And the last time I bowled, I had used two hands to roll the ball! But, armed with the correct throwing technique, I didn't do half bad. Since then, I've started bowling more and more and gotten myself around halfway to 300 on more than one occasion."

August 2, 2011