MBBB2 Recap

Tuesday, May 19, 1998

Merrick, New York


    • Breakfast at the Townhouse Diner in Merrick

    • Blade Runner at Span's house in Merrick

    • Ultimate Frisbee at Town Park in Merrick

    • Lunch and Scattergories at Matt's house in Merrick

    • Pool at Span's house in Merrick

    • Basketball tournament at Old Mill Elementary School in Merrick

    • Dinner at Friendly's in Bellmore

    • Poker at Marc and Dave's house in Merrick


Dave (2nd), Marc (2nd), Matt (2nd), Russ (2nd), Span (2nd), Rolly (2nd), Mehr (1st)




We ate breakfast at the Merrick Townhouse Diner for the second year in a row. Again, we were a little late but we all arrived well. This time we came armed with cameras and many pictures were taken inside and out of the diner.

Blade Runner

After breakfast, we headed over to Span's house to watch Blade Runner. Unfortunately, as it was early in the morning still, Rolly fell asleep during the movie. Reaction to the movie was mixed--some liked it, some were disappointed. The MBBB movie curse lived on...

Ultimate Frisbee

The rematch somehow managed to live up to the first game. Quarters were shortened for the second game because the first one had been so tiring. The team of Rolly, Dave, and Matt again prevailed. The game was tiring and this showed when Dave dropped an easy pass that would have given his team the lead towards the end of the game. So, the game went into overtime again and Dave made up for his earlier drop by making the winning grab.

Lunch and Scattergories

After Ultimate, we headed over towards Wendy's and Taco Bell. After visiting the drive-thrus, we headed over to Matt's to play Scattergories. It was a six-man free-for-all that ended as Span brained his way to a close win.

Pool Tournament

The previous format was discarded in favor of having three teams of two. We played 8-ball and this time Marc and Russ prevailed over Rolly and Span.

Basketball Tournament

After pool, we headed over to Old Mill Elementary School for 2-on-2 basketball. Same teams, different result. Rolly and Span won the tournament over Dave and Marc as Mehr showed up as the guest referee. Span once again showed off his wingspan and his rebounding skills were a deciding factor in the win. Rolly was again named MVP of the tournament.


The decision of where to eat dinner was made on the spot. After the basketball tournament, we weren't sure where to go. We decided on The Chinese Buffet but there was a little disagreement. Finally, we chose Friendly's. An hour was taken for a shower break so everyone could clean up from the basketball games. Unfortunately, Matt was sick from the long day and the dinner wasn't as great as it could have been.


Finally, we headed over to the Struck house to play poker. Matt skipped out because he was sick. So, Mehr, Dave, Russ, and Span played using Monopoly money. It was a fun game and Mehr wound up the big winner out of the $20 pot.


    • Handball was originally scheduled but was canceled due to time constraints.

    • Seven people participated in the 2nd Annual MBBB; 5 of us, Adam, David, Marc, Matt, and Russ participated in the whole day, Rolly participated in all activities up until dinner, and Chris participated in dinner and poker.

    • Matt and Rolly were the primary drivers for the day and Chris drove towards the end of the day.