Football Skills Competition Proposal

Suggested location: Calhoun.

Equipment: 1 Football, 1 Kicking Tee, Cones (at least 4), Garbage can?

Tie Breaker: Longest throw

Scorekeeper: Whoever isn't participating at the current time


    • Redzone challenge: You will be working with a partner here. Both will play QB and WR. QB is stationed 20 yards from endzone. Receiver is placed in small box, aka the cones. Receiver can not leave box. QB must complete passes so that both get points. Ex. Catch = 1 pt each. Deliberately dropped balls/overthrown balls will result in points deducted from offender. (10 throws each player)
    • Field goal contest: 2 tries per distance. We will use a tee so no one hurts their hand, etc. Basically longest kick wins.
    • Pass accuracy: Judge will be placed in box(cones) at various spots on field. Ball must be thrown with the box and not over judges height to get credit. We will go 10 yards, 20 yards.
    • Aim: Garbage can set at various spots on field. Hit it to get credit.
    • Distance accuracy: Distance greater. Cones set much wider for judges to stand in. Ball must either land in box or travel through below the head of judge.
    • Home run pass: Throw ball through upright. Start at 30 yards, 40 yards, 50 yards.