MBBB4 Scavenger Hunt Results


Team A: Christopher Mehr, David Struck, Russell Lark

Team B: Eugene Shin, Marc Struck, Matt Berger

Clues and Answers

Here are the clues as authored by Eric Struck, the brother of MBBB members David and Marc. Any letter that follows the clue denotes a team which successfully filmed the solution to the clue. If no letter follows the clue, then neither team successfully filmed it. Solutions to the clues follow where applicable.


Clue: Film a dog. (B)

Clue: Film a woman that is walking a dog. (B)

Clue: Film a pooper-scooper that is being carried by a woman who is walking a dog. (B)

Clue: At one location, film a chicken.

Clue: At that same location, film a turkey.

Clue: At that same location, film a fish.

Solution: The best solution to all three parts of this clue would be to film these animals at a grocery store. Sure they'd be dead, but that wouldn't invalidate the solution one bit at all. Team A cleverly did this while they were waiting for someone to pay for their groceries as a solution to first clue in the PEOPLE category.

Clue: Film a squirrel.

Clue: Film a squirrel in a tree.

Clue: Film a squirrel on a telephone wire.


Clue: Film a "naalc". (B)

Solution: The solution to this clue was to film a "canal".

Clue: Film an "otab" at a "naalc".

(B) Solution: The solution to this clue was to film a "boat" at a "canal".

Clue: Film an "otab" with a "nowma’s eanm" on it.

(B) Solution: The solution to this clue was to film a boat with a "woman's name" on it.

Clue: Film a pond. (B)

Clue: Film an animal other than a bird within 10 feet of the water of a pond.

Solution: A nifty solution to this clue was to film a human within 10 feet of the pond. It seems obvious now, but it's not so obvious when your team is scrambling to finish every clue they can in a 2-hour time period.

Clue: Film someone feeding the birds at a pond.

Clue: Film a fountain.

Clue: Film a fountain with running water.

Clue: Film 3 coins in a fountain.


Clue: Film a music store.

Clue: Film the theme to “The Lone Ranger” TV show at a music store.

Clue: Film a CD sung by non-humans at a music store.

Solution: Barney and the Muppets immediately spring to mind here. Hey, what about Alvin and the Chipmunks? They've had a song in both "Rocky IV" and "Almost Famous" after all.

Clue: Film a place of business that has a major college football game named after it.

Clue: Film a picture of a college football player at this place of business.

Clue: Film a picture of a college football coach at this place of business.

Clue: Film a big open space. (B)

Solution: The business being hinted at in this clue is The Gap, a very trendy clothing store, at least here in New York.

Clue: Film a green shirt at this place of business. (B)

Clue: Film a shirt that costs less than $30 at this place of business. (B)


Clue: Film a punch buggy.

Clue: Film a punch buggy parked in someone’s driveway.

Clue: Film a punch buggy with a 7 in its license plate.

Clue: Film a blue car. (B)

Clue: Film a blue car manufactured in America. (B)

Clue: Film a blue car manufactured before 1990. (B)

Clue: Film a white car. (B)

Clue: Film a white car manufactured outside of America.

Clue: Film a white car with no license plate.


Clue: Film a Hess Station. (A) (B)

Clue: Film someone pumping his/her own gas at a Hess Station. (A) (B)

Clue: Film someone pumping his/her own gas for more than $10 at a Hess Station. (A) (B)

Clue: Film a BP Station.

Clue: Film an American Flag at a BP station.

Clue: Film something priced UNDER $1.29 at a BP station.

Clue: Film a gas station with the same name as an airline.

Solution: This piece of the clue referred to the brand name, and Greek letter, Delta that is used by both an airplane company and a gas station franchise.

Clue: Film how much cigarettes cost at this gas station.

Clue: Film some motor oil 10W30 at this gas station.


Clue: Film a man and woman walking together. (B)

Clue: Film a man and woman walking together holding hands. (B)

Clue: Film a man and woman who are married. (B)

Clue: Film someone waiting for a bus.

Clue: Film someone who is reading a newspaper while waiting for a bus.

Clue: Film someone who is drinking something while waiting for a bus.

Clue: Film someone paying for his/her groceries. (B)

Clue: Film someone who is buying cereal.

Clue: Film someone who is buying laundry detergent.


Clue: Film an Italian restaurant named for a NY baseball player. (B)

Solution: The solution to this clue was to film a pizza shop here in Merrick, on Merrick Road, named La Piazza, which is named after (at the time) current New York Met catcher, Mike Piazza.

Clue: Film someone eating a slice of pizza at this restaurant. (B)

Clue: Film some anchovies at this restaurant. (B)

Clue: Film a Chinese restaurant. (B)

Clue: Film a calendar with Chinese women on it at a Chinese restaurant.

Clue: Film a calendar with Chinese women on it at a Chinese restaurant that is still turned to May.

Clue: Film a diner. (B)

Clue: Film a diner which is not named for the town in which it is located. (B)

Solution: There are many diners within the boundaries of our game that are named after the boundary towns. The Merrick Townhouse Diner is a good example. Both teams solved this clue however by visiting a diner on Merrick Road, that is simply named the East Bay Diner.

Clue: Film a piece of baklava at a diner.


Clue: Film a park with a playground. (B)

Clue: Film a park with a swing set. (B)

Clue: Film 3 kids swinging at the same time on a swing set at a park.

Clue: Film a park named for a body of water. (B)

Clue: Film a men’s room at this park. (B)

Clue: Film someone flying a radio-controlled airplane at this park. (B)

Solution: The park that is being hinted at here, that is both named for a body of water, and which has an area for radio-controlled airplanes, is Cedar Creek Park. It is located in Wantagh, NY, and runs adjacent to both Merrick Road and the Wantagh Parkway.

Clue: Film a school where a semi-famous pop star graduated. (B)

Solution: The school being hinted at here is Sanford H. Calhoun High School, incidentally the high school that all members of the MBBB group attended. The semi-famous pop star that also attended Calhoun was none other than Debbie Gibson.

Clue: Film someone playing an instrument at this school.

Clue: Film someone singing at this school.


Clue: Film a street sign with a President’s name. (B)

Clue: Film a street sign with a President’s name on the corner of a street named after another President.

Clue: Film a picture of one of those two Presidents from the signs in the shot.

Solution: The trick here would have been to get either a coin or a dollar bill which had the picture of one of the Presidents on it into the shot. Unfortunately, neither team could find two intersecting streets each named after a different President and so this tactic went unused in the contest.

Clue: Film a street sign with a university’s name on it. (B)

Clue: Film a street sign with a university’s name on it on the corner of a street named after another university.

Clue: Film those two signs where both schools are Ivy League schools.

Clue: Film a handicapped parking sign. (B)

Clue: Film a car parked in the spot designated by the handicapped parking sign that doesn’t have a handicapped sticker on the car.

Clue: Film a police car or security vehicle in the background of this car.


Clue: Film someone playing golf. (B)

Clue: Film someone putting left-handed. (B)

Clue: Film someone sinking a putt with a non-white ball. (B)

Clue: Film someone playing basketball.

Clue: Film someone hitting a shot from behind the 3-point line.

Clue: Film someone missing a lay-up.

Clue: Film someone playing baseball/softball. (B)

Clue: Film someone swinging a wooden bat.

Clue: Film someone sliding into any base.


Clue: Film a Taco Bell.

Clue: Film a team member buying a Chicken Burrito Supreme (for Eric’s dinner).

Clue: Film a team member buying a Chicken Burrito Supreme using only quarters to pay for it (he can get any change though).

Point Totals

Team A: (Need to watch videos and figure out as well as update items above.)

Team B: (Need to watch videos and figure out as well as update items above.)