MBBB4 Proposal

April 17, 2000

MBBB4 is starting to take its shape. It will be far different from anything we've had before. Changes in restaurants, sports, and venues are in the works as we've hit the one month mark.

Tentative Schedule


Going to the Merrick Townhouse Diner was the most cherished tradition of the May Birthday Bash Bonanza. But this year, the tired group will gather at IHOP to start off their day and talk about all their stories from the school year. Although, not all of us were in school this semester. Hard to believe.

Home Run Derby

From the pancake house, we head back to Merrick and hit the diamond for the Ultimate Softball Challenge. Considering that we only have 6 or seven people, putting together a softball game is not so easy. But don't worry, we've come up with a format that will make it competitive and fun. There will be 3 teams of 2, and in this game, it's alright to swing for the fences (contrary to what little league coaches will tell you).

Scavenger Hunt

Brand new idea, brand new event. Two teams will romp around Merrick, Bellmore, Wantagh, and Seaford looking for 30 clues, all designed by the opposing team. To ensure maximum participation, all of the players are required to write 10 clues. Marc and Dave will serve as the team captains, making sure that all questions are logical and fair.


How can anyone complain about this? It's two popular fast food joints rolled into one. If time allows, we'll also take a quick look at the scavenger hunt videos to get a few laughs.

Laser Tag

Laser Tag has been one of those ideas that's been tossed around for years, but hasn't been implemented. Until now, that is. Welcome to Q-Zar. Prepare to die.

Mission: Impossible 2

After dinner, we'll finally get to see the sequel to our cut-day favorite, Mission: Impossible. This movie was delayed because Tom Cruise wanted to do Eyes Wide Shut first, but now the long wait is over. Filmed on location in Australia, Mission: Impossible 2 has a good chance to be the first time we're not disappointed by an MBBB movie.


More food! We like that.


    • The participants for this year will be David, Marc, Matt, Mehr, Eugene, and Russ. Adam seems to remain the only dark horse candidate.
    • The driving situation will consist of two cars, driven by Eugene and Mehr.
    • The schedule will be finalized by Dave after consideration of the length of all events.