
A lot more goes into each May Birthday Bash Bonanza than just showing up and having fun. We spend anywhere from a few minutes (see Mehr using a crayon at the diner in MBBB15) to months (the early years of MBBB) of planning a full day of events that can be diverse in location, activity level, and content. To keep things fair and so that all of us enjoy the day as much as possible, votes are then often held either by email or in person. Finally, after each MBBB has completed, several of us sometimes write reviews so that we know what events we might want to do (or not do) in the future. Links are provided below for all of the events that we've either done or considered, any votes we've compiled, and reviews that we've written.

But that's certainly not all that we can detail about the MBBB. As we're now 15 years into the history of this creation, many things have changed, and we're not just talking about our lives. We've also been through a host of different webpage formats and logos. But, not everything is different and, in the course of doing certain events numerous times, various trends and curious facts have developed. Read all about a movie curse, our poker quirks, and MBBB initiations by visiting the links below.

MBBB Planning

List of Events

MBBB5 Vote

MBBB6 Vote

MBBB5 Reviews

MBBB History

MBBB Now and Then

The Legendary MBBB Movie Curse

Poker Quirks


If you've read about the history of the MBBB, you'll know that we've had a number of changes in personnel over the years. When Mehr first pledged to become a full-fledged member back in January of 1999, David proposed the following to the rest of the already established crew:

"OK guys, well obviously we're going to have to initiate Mehr into the MBBB group. I'm thinking for one, he will have to break something to prove that he is as cool as us. That's a given. Does anyone have any other ideas for his initiation?"

Unfortunately, no one did offer any additional suggestions. Therefore, as you can imagine, the idea of an initiation for MBBB didn't take and so nowadays, all you have to do is ask politely in order to join the day of festivities.

Old MBBB Webpages

(Show a picture of MBBB logo and link to a sample page so you can see how our page used to look. Mention that Span (?) created the logo.)

(Also, create a sample page showing