MBBB2 Anecdotes

Marc on the Ultimate Frisbee game

"Towards the end of the game, I tried to lead our team to victory by involving myself in two important plays. As David, Rolly, and Matt attempted to move down the field, a throw ended up high in the air. Matt and I both advanced as I was playing defense. I jumped as high as I could and swatted the disc to the ground. Unfortunately, I took a piece of Matt with me.

It wasn't much later when an even more important play happened. With the opposing team one point away from victory, we worked hard to prevent another point from being scored. Rolly, David, and Matt moved the disc and eventually got behind our defense; only I stood in the way of defeat. In that instant, Rolly pump faked in one direction as if he were Dan Marino in his prime. I bit on the fake and Rolly had a clear path to David in the end zone. He lofted a perfect toss to David and the game was over. As our team's leader, you can understand how disappointed I was in myself at that moment."

August 2, 2011