Soccer (Half-Field) Proposal

Place: any soccer field (every school has one).

Equipment: Soccer ball, cones (for boundaries)

Teams: 2. 3 on offense, 3 on defense, 1 goalie. Then offense and defense switch at halftime (30 mins each suggested). If no one wants to play permanent goalie, I will be more than happy to be permanent defense.

Rules: Kick ball into goal to score point. Do not use hands, dumbass. No tripping, pushing, deliberately kicking another player. If it goes out of bounds, offense brings the ball back behind half field. Do not use power tools. Duh. I'll let y'all remember the rest of the rules. Serious fouls result in penalty kicks. Offense must stay out of goalie box.

Winner: I have this great idea: the team with the most points wins. A coin toss determines who goes first. Ties are settled by penalty kicking contest.

Half court soccer played with continuously changing possession would be fine, although more strenuous. In that case, I imagine a defenseman would have to have to stop the ball (with his foot) behind the half-court line to claim possession - you can't just kick it out there, and there should be a back boundary set so you can't kick it too far and not retrieve it - offense would retain possession.