Slam Dunk Contest Proposal


I think spans house would be a great first location since the rim at be put at all different heights, Seconds place should be as of now chatterton, and a third place will have to be looked into.

Length of time

I feel this event if done at spans house will take around 75minutes no longer. If at Chatterton a little shorter hard to say about 60minutes



The judge's give the score's of the dunks at the end of each round not after each dunk (to avoid any conflicts)

Anyone not participating in the dunk contest because they don't want to or have been eliminated is going to be a judge

I think each dunk should be worth 20points per judge

Everyone gets five dunk attempts in the first round (four top scores move on)

In the semi-finals you get 3 dunk attempts (two top scores to the finals)

In the final you get 2 dunk attempts (in the finals you alternate dunks)

very important to note that points don't carry over from round to round, so if you won the first round with a score of 100 that means at the second round you start at zero

The top scorer from the previous round dunks last, and the second place person dunks second to last, and so on.

Dunk Structure

30seconds limit per Successful dunk, if a dunk can't be successful the judge has the right to give any score he feels fit, for example he got up high and it looked like a good try so i will give him a 5 out of 20

the score on any unsuccessfull dunk has to be the last dunk attempt, for example if his first dunk looked really good and just didn't go down, he can't acept that dunk try as a score, but the last dunk he attempted in the allowed time

Each person has 30 seconds on the first dunk try, then a 60 second rest, then 30 seconds for the second dunk then 60 seconds to rest, and so on (this only applys to the first two rounds)

Finals Rules

In the finals we are going to have a dunk off kind of thing, the first place person from round before gets to pick when he dunks first or last, same rules

of one dunk in 30 seconds, but you don't do two dunks in a row you alternate dunks, inbetween dunks each person has any amount of rest they want (also might need time to adjust rim)


two small basketballs (if we don't have any, we must buy two)

Cost per person

about 10 dollars total if we have to buy two, so per person 2 bucks. The first and second place people get to keep the balls


No teams but if you want to have someone add a little something to your dunk you can, example if you want someone to throw the ball from mid-court as you slam one home your allowed, or if you want to jump over someone your allowed, only if that person wants to be part of your dunk

Any other pertinent information

We have to find out where we can possible go for the dunk contest, possible schools other then spans house to possibly save on time

(Note amendments here)