MBBB19 Videos

Please note that these videos were filmed by Eugene and come complete with his personal flavor of commentary. The full gallery of photos and videos that Marc and Eugene took can be found here.

Shuffleboard 1

In the above video, David and Brian play a game of shuffleboard while Span referees and Marc tweets out the results to Matt. David finishes off the round with a nice combo, knocking one of Brian's discs into the "10 Off" box.

Shuffleboard 2

Span and Marc engage in battle in this clip. Span emerges victorious as Marc laments his poor play.

Mini-Golf 1

Here's some action from the mini-golf competition. The hole really isn't that hard, but the gang was probably struggling due to the uneven green (yeah, that's it!). Span watches on; perhaps this is one of the holes he scored a hole-in-one on?

Mini-Golf 2

There's some great play in this clip. Span nets a hole-in-one while David knocks Brian's ball under the park bench obstacle. This forces Brian to get on his knees and try to use his golf club like a pool cue instead.


A little dinner action at the Indian/Pakistani restaurant. The food looks great!

Board Game

After dinner and before the board game, everybody talks to Matt via Skype about the great day they had. We can't help noticing Marc finishing off his leftovers from dinner. It must have been good.