Volleyball Proposal

Place: Jones Beach, Played on a Sand Court across from Mini-Golf

Time: Can be played under the lights, I just have to check what time it will be closed at.

Equipment: This would be two nerf, or soft volleyballs. (i would like suggestions on what type of balls we should use)

Proposed Teams:

1. Span and Mehr

2. Marc and David

3. Matt, Eugene and Russ

Price: Unknown at the moment, i will check into it, but i know it is per Court, per Half hour, with seven people i don't picture it being alot of money, and i propose we play under the lights this way we don't have to pay for parking.

Scheduled Format:

1. Practice

2. Team One vs. Team Two

3. Team One vs. Team Three

4. Team Two vs. Team Three

5. Team Two vs. Team One

6. Team Three vs. Team One

7. Team Three vs. Team Two

Each Team plays Four games. The first team listed is consider the home team for that game and will serve first. The team that doesn't play will referee the game going on at that time. Each game will be played to the first team to 11 points, you don't need to win by 2 to win the game. I go into more detail about this at the bottom of the page.

Playoff Format:

1. First Round: Seed Two vs. Seed Three (Seed one Bye)

2. Second Round: Seed One vs. the Winner of Round One for the Championship

In the playoffs, the games will be played in standard Volleyball way. Games will be to 15 points, side out system (you have to serve to get a point). The Higher Seed gets to serve first in the playoffs. There will only be one game.


    • Carries: I realize we are not pro-volleyball players, so a carry which is illegal is totally up to the referee to call. I encourage the referee's to be lenient with the carry call's, but be fair. Basically if you think someone is carrying the ball on purpose, it is a carry, and please call it.
    • Scoring in the Regular Season: The regular season game's will be played to 11, the first team to score 11 wins the game. In the regular season you don't have to win by 2 points, the first team to 11 wins. So the final score could be 11-10. Explanation: We need to make sure these games don't last forever, after all each team does make the playoffs
    • Scoring in the playoffs: The higher seed gets a bye, and the other two teams play for the right to play the first seed in the championship match. The higher seed gets to serve first. These games are played too 15 points, and you must win by 2 points. (example the final score could be 21-19, so basically if the score is 14-14 then you play to 16, and keep moving up until one team wins by 2 points). The seeds are ranked by team record. If there is a three way tie, we go to total points to solve it. If there is a two way tie, you go to head to head match-ups. If still a tie, then you go to head to head points. If still a tie, you go to total points for the season. If that is still a tie, you go to a coin toss.
    • There will be a 5 minute break in-between each game if the team that has played the game before chose's to take a break, yes they can refuse a break.
    • No majorly hitting into the net. Basically if the net goes down drastically you lose the point. Once again this is totally up to the referee's, but just remember this is more of a safety rule then anything else, and yes it is illegal in volleyball. I realize we are not all pro-volleyball players so a light tap of the net should result in no foul.
    • Serving can be underhand or overhand. You can't hit the net on a serve in anyway for it to be legal. Even if it lightly skims the net, it is a foul, and will result in a side out.
    • Standard volleyball scoring, you have to serve to score a point.