MBBB7 Anecdotes

Marc on the Ride Up

"Span always seems to be involved in some of the funniest moments of MBBB, even if this one actually occurred before MBBB7 had even started. If you read the recap, you know that we accidentally went well past the correct exit on the way to Matt's house. What's not mentioned is that Span and I happened to be playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon at the time. I believe we were doing something like Randy Savage to Hulk Hogan. Now, once I realized that we were way lost (and back then, we didn't have cell phones), I tried to help the effort to get us back on track. Span, however, was still stuck on those Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. When Mehr tried to bring him back to getting to Matt's house, Span chastised him, telling Mehr that he had almost figured out the solution and, when he did, he'd be able to help us without being distracted!"

August 2, 2011

Marc on Breakfast

"I don't remember the breakfast all that well (how could I?), but I do remember two things pretty specifically. The first is that the roads in and out of town were absolutely terrible. They weren't roads so much as loose and rocky pathways that you might have expects in the 1800s. Apparently, a lot of road work was being completed at the time (we hope!). The second was that the bathroom in the basement was broken. I had little choice: sometimes you just have to do what you have to do."

August 2, 2011

Marc on Frolf

"I kid you not: after I 'teed' off on the first hole, I heard Dave say how smooth or effortless or something my throw was. Let's just say that he was impressed. On a later throw, Eugene complained that the wind was carrying my throw. Hey, it can't carry in the wind if it's not thrown extremely well, now can it?"

August 2, 2011