MBBB Events

Active Events

When the 1st MBBB was in the planning stages, we were all in much better shape. For many of us, it was because we ran year round on the Track & Field and Cross Country teams. For others, it was just because we were younger. Naturally, during the first few MBBBs, we attempted full day schedules with numerous active events. Some events were those we played during our high school days such as Ultimate Frisbee and Handball. Others, like Capture the Flag, were played for the first time at a MBBB event. Click here to view all of the active events we have played during or proposed for a MBBB.

Semi-active Events

As we got older and less in shape (besides Mehr who remains in teenager shape by walking around 10 miles a day as a mailman), many MBBBs moved from having multiple active events to having one active event and more than one semi-active events. Activities where you could take breaks such as Pitch and Putt and Home Run Derby became in vogue. As did those you could do while driving a car (Scavenger Hunt and Geocaching, though Geocaching is listed in our non-active event section). Click here to view all of the semi-active events we have played during or proposed for a MBBB.

Non-active Events

With so many active events in the early MBBBs, it was only natural that they be counterbalanced by events where little to no activity are required. Enter many different types of games: card games like Poker, board games such as Pictionary and Scattergories, and even the latest video game craze. Click here to view all of the non-active events we have played during or proposed for a MBBB.