Junior Resolutions


That cats are better than dogs.

That teachers should not give candy and other treats to students as a reward.

That there should be a speed restriction and license for the drivers of mobility scooters.

That it is better to be an only child.

That plastic straws should be banned.

TV is better than books

This house would ban tobacco

This House would ban gambling

This House would get rid of Santa Claus

Summer vacations should be shorter

All students should have to be in extracurricular sports

We should ban cell phones in school

Poetry should not be taught in schools

We should arrest Batman (you can replace batman with some other superhero)

We should ban home schooling

That Hogwarts is an ideal school

That the voting age should be lowered to 16 years

Homework should be banned

Junk food should not be allowed in schools

Classes should be single gender

The school year should be longer


In disaster prone areas, THW replace all state rebuilding and reconstruction efforts with direct cash transfers to affected citizens.

THW not allow essential services (medical, police, etc) to go on strike

This house would ban any treatment, service or ritual from claiming a physical healing effect until it has been tested and proven more effective than a placebo by a national regulator

This house supports hacking as a form of social protest .

This house would prefer a world without religious beliefs

This house would not give development aid to heavily corrupt regimes.

This House would require companies to place graphic images of animal suffering on all products or food who is production harmed or killed animals