U of Manitoba Tournament


University of Manitoba Cup

The University of Manitoba Debating Union is delighted to invite you to the University of Manitoba Cup. It will be an opportunity for high school students to experience university debating and be judged by CUSID judges. We have the opportunity of using the great facilities of the Drake Centre. The two day tournament will provide a unique opportunity for the participants to grow as debaters.

The format will be a Canadian Parliamentary impromptu tournament. Teams will get the resolutions 15 minutes before the round begins. We will be running straight resolutions. The teams will be allowed to use written material for preparation; however, we will ask the teams to stay off of the internet. To allow for the tabulation of data and room assignment, debaters are encouraged to also participate in the public speech rounds. Additionally food will be provided for both Friday and Saturday.


Split opposition is allowed.

We will insist for at least 2 POI given and taken.

There will be no heckling.

Otherwise all rules will be explained at the briefing.

There will be no separate novice tournament, but there will be prizes for the best novice teams and speakers.

Date: Friday February 22nd and Saturday February 23rd

Time: Friday 4:30pm-10pm and Saturday 9Am-5pm


Time Table Friday

Registration: 4:30-5:15 pm

Judges and Debaters’ Briefing: 5:15-5:30

Debate Round 1: 5:30- 6:30

Dinner: 6:30-7:00

Debate Round 2: 7:00-8:00

Public Speech Round 1: 8:00-8:20

Debate Round 3: 8:20-9:20

Time Table Saturday

Check in and Breakfast: 8:45:9:20 am

Roll Call: 9:30

Round 4:9:40-10:40

Public Speech Round 2: 10:40-11:00

Round 5: 11:00-Noon

Lunch: Noon- 12:30

Announcement of the Break: 12:30

Semi Finals: 12:30-1:45pm

Public Speech Finals 1:45-2:00

Finals: 2:00-3:00

Awards and prizes 3:15-3:30

The leadership of the University of Manitoba Debating Union recognize that debating tournaments very rarely stay on schedule. We understand that the debaters will get tired as well as our judges. We will endeavour to have everything wrapped up by 5pm Saturday.


Registration is due noon February 20th although we would like to get the number of teams each school will be sending by February 18th.

Registration fees will be due on the Friday of the tournament. They amount to $50 per team and $15 per judge. Coaches who wish to judge, will not be charged.

Each school is welcome to bring as many teams as they would like. However, even though we will be providing CUSID judges from different universities, our Judging pool is not bottomless. If a school wishes to send more than two teams, we then ask that they provide a judge for each additional team (N-2 judges). This requirement may be waved, depending on how many teams the tournament has registered by February 18th. The coaches from the applying schools are welcome to judge regardless of their contingent.

Please provide your school name, the number of teams you will send and an email address by February 18, 2013.

Please provide participant names by February 20th

Please send all information to universityofmanitobadebate@gmail.com

We hope to provide a great tournament.

Graeme Berrington

VP internal UMDU

Alex Ebbling

VP External UMDU