Past Oxford Cup Resolutions

Here are the resolutions used in previous years (with thanks to Chris George and the QSDA website)


    • Round 1 - This House would be a vegetarian.

    • Round 2 - This House supports mandatory organ donation after death, with no exceptions.

    • Round 3 - This House supports salary caps in professional sports

    • Round 4 - This House believes the United States ought not veto a Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations.

    • Round 5 - This House believes the EU and its member states should adopt an official policy of multi-culturalism.

    • Round 6 - This House would prohibit the relocation of the homeless prior to major sporting, cultural, or tourist events.

    • Semi-Finals - This House believes that all sexual assault prosecutions should require the ongoing consent of the victim.

    • Finals - This house believes that whenever individuals have a choice between spending their money on luxuries or donating it to ameliorate human suffering, morality demands donating


    • Round 1 - This House would permit citizens to sell their vote.

    • Round 2 - This House believes that the American government should pay substantial financial reparations to the descendants of slaves.

    • Round 3 - This House would prohibit the publication of biographies without the consent of the subject or the subject's estate.

    • Round 4 - This House would invade country "x". ( "x" to be defined by first prop when the round starts!!! )

    • Round 5 - This House would ban cosmetic surgery.

    • Round 6 - This House would preferentially place aboriginal foster children with aboriginal foster parents.

    • Semi-Finals - This House would conscript citizens for medical testing in the case of a severe epidemic.

    • Finals - This House would provide a nuclear missile with second strike capabilities to all "stable countries" in the world.


    • Round 1 - This House would subsidize the news media.

    • Round 2 - This House believes that we should strike before North Korea does.

    • Round 3 - This House believes that only violent offenders should be jailed.

    • Round 4 - This House would make Somali pirates walk the plank.

    • Round 5 - This House would not join social networking sites.

    • Round 6 - This House supports stronger assimilation policies for immigrants.

    • Semi-Finals - This House would distribute development aid through religious organizations rather than the state.

    • Finals - That intelligence services should not be held to normal laws within democracies.