St. Mary's Academy Junior Invitational Debate Tournament 

April 18, 2023

Time: Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Registration for competitors will take place in the Atrium from 4:00-4:20. Registration for judges will take place from 4:30-4:50.

The resolutions will be distributed at 4:45 SHARP. Preparation for both rounds of the debate will happen from 4:50-5:35, during which time the judges briefing will take place in Alumnae Hall. Please be early or at least on time so that your students have the appropriate amount of time to prepare. Awards will take place around 8:15 pm.

Location: St. Mary’s Academy, 550 Wellington Crescent, R3M 0C1

Parking: Please feel free to park in any available space in the parking lot and enter the school through the Alumnae Hall doors. 

Resolutions: This will be an impromptu debate tournament. Topics will be junior-friendly.

There will be 2 rounds with two different resolutions. The students will have an opportunity to debate one round as Government and one round as Opposition. The debate preparation for both rounds will happen prior to debating the first round. Prepared cases, casebooks, and squirrelling are not permitted at this tournament. Squirrelling occurs when the definition of the terms changes the intention of the motion in a significant manner.

Speaking times for all debates will be a maximum of 6 minutes for constructive speeches and 3 minutes for rebuttals. There is no minimum time. Heckling is not allowed. Points of information are allowed. They are described in the parliamentary rules available on the MSDA website.

There is no novice category in this tournament. Schools may send a maximum of 3 teams. Schools must bring at least one judge per 2-person team. Senior high students, grades 10 to 12, who are experienced debaters, may judge. Additional judges are always appreciated.

Please fill out the Microsoft Form below to register your team(s) by Tuesday, April 11th. :

Please have your judges fill out the following Microsoft Form to register as a judge by Friday, April 14th:

 Snacks will be served between rounds.

Please email Rob McCaffrey if you have any questions.