St Mary's Jr Tournament 2019

Junior Debate Tournament (Grade 6 to 9)

Time: Thursday, Feb 14, 2019. Registration will be from 4 to 4:30. Awards are around 8:30 pm.

Location: St. Mary’s Academy

Resolution: This house believes that Valentine's Day has become a Hallmark hoax

There will be 2 rounds and all teams will debate both sides. Speaking times for all debates will be a maximum of 6 minutes for constructive speeches and 3 minutes for rebuttals. There is no minimum time. Heckling is not allowed. Points of information are allowed in the open category. They are described in the parliamentary rules available on the MSDA website.

If there are sufficient entries, there will be separate novice and open categories at the tournament. In order to qualify as novice, debaters must be in their first year of debating in Grade 8 or 9, or must be in grade 6 or 7.

Schools may send a maximum of 3 teams in total, i.e. adding together the novice and open teams. If you would like to send additional teams, indicate that when you are registering and we will let you know on Feb 12.

Schools must bring at least one judge per 2 person team.Senior high students, grades 10 to 12, who are experienced debaters, may judge. If this presents a problem, please contact me about it and we will see if other arrangements can be made.

Please register by February 11 by emailing the following information to Allison Stefanyshyn at : your school name, your contact information, the number of open and novice teams that you want to enter, and if you would like any addition teams if there is space.