Pournami Lottery (RN-22)

Post date: Mar 22, 2012 1:21:43 AM

Kerala State Lottery Pournami  (RN-22) Result

Pournami Lottery No. RN -22

Draw Date:18/03/2012

Venue:Sree Chithra Home Auditorium,Pazhavagadi,Thiruvananthapuram

1st Prize- Rs :5,100,000/-

RJ 499520 (Kozhikkode)

Consolation Prize- Rs. 10,000/-

RG 499520  RH 499520  RK 499520  RL 499520

2nd Prize- Rs :100,000/-

RG 230205 (Malappuram)

RH 375563 (Palakkad)

RJ 246176 (Kannur)

RK 578519 (Ernakulam)

RL 284834 (Alappuzha)

For the tickets ending with the following numbers

3rd Prize- Rs. 10,000/-


4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-

2342 3118

5th Prize- Rs. 2,000/-

5571 7531 9747

6th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-

2072 2177 4177 5545 9346

7th Prize- Rs. 500/-

1512 3584 3609 4468 4735  4807 4917 6473 7447 7496

8210 8611 9002 9841 9853

8th Prize- Rs. 100/-

0394 2707 2804 3185 3696  4594 6087 6460 7040 7489

8135 8590 8774 9238 9992

9th Prize- Rs. 50/-

0034 0733 0884 0904 0998  1055 1062 1066 1077 1182

1721 2113 2526 2808 2885  3196 3228 3237 3354 3721

3796 4087 4419 4821 4860  5012 5230 5407 5562 6019

6235 6548 6593 6662 7026  7138 7153 7266 7485 7794

7874 8021 8361 8464 8689  9012 9459 9521 9677 9939

All are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published

  in the Kerala Government Gazette and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.