Karunya Lottery (KR-43)

Post date: Jul 14, 2012 2:37:20 PM

Kerala State Karunya Lottery (KR-43) Result 2012

Karunya Lottery No.KR-43

Draw Date:14/07/2012

Venue:Conference Hall, RDDSL, 7th Floor,Revenue Tower, EKM

1st Prize- Rs :10,000,000/-

KM 104693 (Wayanad)

Consolation Prize- Rs. 10,000/-

KO 104693 KR 104693 KS 104693 KT 104693

2nd Prize- 50 Sovereign

KM 255506 (Thrissur)

3rd Prize- Rs :100,000/-

KM 138681 (Pathanamthitta)

KO 384361 (Palakkad)

KR 206054 (Kottayam)

KS 110362 (Palakkad)

KT 167606 (Idukki)

For the tickets ending with the following numbers

4th Prize- Rs. 10,000/-

4196 9022

5th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-

0458 1792 1823 2886 4107   4344 5464 5536 6335 6531

7526 8145 8704 8741 9272

6th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-

0654 1664 2054 3224 3685  5143 5279 9100 9331 9557

7th Prize- Rs. 500/-

0248 1294 2394 2404 2451  2588 2696 2955 3538 4014

4313 4733 4995 5635 6032  6052 6657 6800 7426 7588

8th Prize- Rs. 100/-

0172 0225 0851 1130 2043  2267 3045 4553 4703 5747

6064 6778 8133 9176 9258

9th Prize- Rs. 50/-

0535 0827 0947 1241 1487   1552 1572 1606 1636 2216

2597 2835 3214 3547 3566  3680 3917 3936 4639 4672

5246 5443 5853 6000 6183  6255 6317 6534 6582 7268

7361 7620 7633 7697 7815  7883 7917 8082 8175 8176

8226 8315 8406 8602 8631  8685 9712 9753 9776 9940

All are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published

  in the Kerala Government Gazette and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.