WIN WIN  Lottery (W-133)

Post date: Mar 20, 2012 9:13:18 PM

Kerala Govt. WIN WIN (W-133) Lottery Result

WIN WIN Lottery No. W -133

Draw Date:02/01/2012

Venue:Sree Chithra Home Auditorium,Pazhavagadi,East Fort,Thiruvananthapuram

1st Prize- Rs :5,000,000/-

WC 113374 (Thiruvananthapuram)

Consolation Prize- Rs. 10,000/-

WA 113374 WB 113374 WD 113374 WE 113374

2nd Prize- Rs :100,000/-

WA 200575 (Palakkad)

For the tickets ending with the following numbers

3rd Prize- Rs. 10,000/-


4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-

3388 8208

5th Prize- Rs. 2,000/-

3147 4822

6th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-

2725 2858 2969 3057 3643  5155 9243 9271 9302 9346

7th Prize- Rs. 500/-

0737 1326 2035 3100 3156   4763 5599 6183 6897 7346

8th Prize- Rs. 100/-

1626 2085 2512 2633 2667  4206 4273 5211 7355 7813

8418 8524 8931 9353 9415

9th Prize- Rs. 50/-

0097 0289 0326 0613 0629  0674 1269 1335 1416 1651

1828 1928 2122 2395 2604  2704 2857 3396 3436 3449

3721 3855 4290 4962 5362  5632 5644 5794 6000 6223

6619 6632 6643 6833 6893  7076 7584 7731 8209 8378

8446 8746 9039 9049 9169  9369 9564 9632 9660 9869

All are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published

  in the Kerala Government Gazette and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.