
Below are laws that PA Governor Jordan has suggested and are now in place in all of the USA (and Equestria as by Celestia & Luna).

Road Laws

Road Laws are about the same as in the real word, with some changes (most not listed here) that make it better

World Laws

World laws are laws that everyone in the world must follow.

Internet Laws

Adult Materiel

In the USA/Equestria The following laws apply for the Adult Industry.



To access adult content you must have the correct package below with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or Cell Service (Cellular Network) (The world)

There is a extra charge of about $20 to get any "Adult Package" for any ISP or Cell Provider, this is to discourage adult content viewing and making a better world.

Adult Clubs

- Any adult club must have the following :

Relationship Laws

These laws are in all countries, some countries have them a little different. The ones below are for the U.S and Equestria.

*Human/Pokemon Relationships / Human/Fur Relationships

Human/Pokemon, Human/Furs and Human/Pony (Griffions/etc) relationships are allowed under law (hence PA Governor Jordan and Rainbow Dash) but must follow the below. Humans/Pokemon & Human/Fur relationships (including the adult parts) is allowed under strict laws :

*This section to be updated