Pride Lands Wildlife Reserve Park

Info about animals in this world

Animals in the project's world are the same as the real world, but they can speak and understand us humans. 

*They are totals separate from the Anthros in this project's world. 

Pride Lands Wildlife Reserve Park

County : Pride Lands County    Size : About 46 Miles North - South & About 173 Mile East - West

Pride Lands Wildlife Reserve Park or simply Pride Lands Park (or known to the animals as "Pride Lands") is a wildlife reserve park in Pride Lands County, Pennsylvania. The park allows visitors to view the animals there via riding on torus (like African Wildlife Safari Tours). The whole border to fenced off to the public and guarded 24-hours. The Pride Lands is controlled by the Pennsylvania State Goverment, with some input and help from the U.S Federal Government and the The Humane Society of the United States.

The animals are however ruled my the king and queen of the Pride Lands, King Simba & Queen Nala. (Just like Disney's The Lion King).

The postal address for mail is 1 Cute Bahati Whiteclaw Highway (Pennsylvania Route 267), Sphinxville, PA (1/2 mile south of Pride Lands Ctr)

Current Famous Animals Living on the Reserve

The Lion Guard

The Lion Guard protects the Pride Lands by making sure everyone behaves and follows the Circle of Life. While at the same time the Pride Lands Park Security makes sure the park is safe from outsiders (the public). 

Road Network

The Pride Lands has a set of dirt (and some paved) roads that run through it.

Tunnels Under Park

The park has 5 tunnels under the park for the U.S / State and Interstate routes that go thru the area