USB creator Etcher

Download Etcher Image Writer for Linux, Mac & Windows

You can download Etcher for free directly from the official project website. Binaries are provided for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Yes, Linux; the Linux packages is distributed as an .appimage for 32-bit and 64-bit distributions, and should run across all major Linux distributions without any issues. The team currently have no plan to provide a native .deb (or .rpm) installer.

Official Etcher Downloads

Make it executable

$ chmod a+x Etcher-linux-x64.AppImage

and run!

$ sudo ./Etcher-linux-x64.AppImage

Given that Etcher writes to devices directly, it requires superuser privileges. We currently request these permissions when Etcher starts, however for convenience sake, we’re working only requesting these permissions at the time writing an image.