Nextcloud client on Ubuntu

When Flatpak is installed, nextcloud can be installed as a Flatpak app. Thats easier to install and doesn't interfere with owncloud based cloudservices like Stack.

You need to start nextcloud with this command thoug to be able to see the tray icons:

flatpak run --talk-name=org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher org.nextcloud.Nextcloud

The other way of using nextcloud is using a ppa.

When having a nextcloud drive running on a local server, you would liuke to run in on your Ubuntu desktop as well.

Simply add an ppa to your system and install nextcloud from it:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nextcloud-devs/client sudo apt-get update sudo apt install nextcloud-client nextcloud-client-nautilus

use nextcloud-client-nemo or nextcloud-client-dolphin nextcloud-client-caja instead if you use one of there silemanagers.

then rtun nextcloud from the dash and enter the serveradress. e.g. and enter your credentials.

Thats it.