Systray indicator

Install Indicator Systemtray Unity in Ubuntu

`Indicator Systemtray Unity` doesn't show up on the panel until you launch an application which comes with a tray icon. Even then, the systray is displayed on demand (on left/middle-click) and there are two modes available:

1. Left-clicking on the Indicator Systemtray Unity icon - in this case, the tray icons will be displayed under it:

When this mode is used, the system tray are only displayed while the mouse is near the Indicator Systemtray icon.

2. By middle-clicking on the Indicator Systemtray icon, you can get the systray icons to be displayed in a floating overlay on top of the panel, useful to either display the icons next to the indicators (like in my screenshot below) or for use on top of a dock:

When this mode is used, the system tray icons aren't hidden (until you middle-click it again).

You can move the icons horizontally by scrolling on the Indicator Systemtray icon on the Unity panel. Moving the icons to the left of the indicators like in the screenshot above is a bit tricky because once the icons are on top of Indicator Systemtray, you won't be able to scroll on it any more, but you can change this via dconf-editor (see below).

Indicator Systemtray can be configured via dconf-editor. Firstly, install dconf-editor:

sudo apt-get install dconf-editor

And then launch Dconf-Editor and navigate to net > launchpad > indicator > systemtray. Here you can change the indicator's X and Y positions for the floating overlay mode, change its mode (when "tray-is-static" is set to true, the tray will be displayed as floating icons on top of the panel and when set to false, the behaviour in the first screenshot above is used) or disable the indicator.

Note that if you use multiple monitors, the tray will only show up on the primary monitor!

To install Indicator Systemtray Unity in Ubuntu 15.04, 14.10 or 14.04, use the following commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fixnix/indicator-systemtray-unity
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-systemtray-unity

Or, if you don't want to add the PPA, you can grab the deb from HERE (but you won't receive any updates).

Once installed, log out and log in and Indicator Systemtray Unity should start automatically (but it won't show up on the panel until you launch an app that uses a tray icon).

In case you want to remove Indicator Systemtray Unity, use the following command (don't use a simple "remove" because it won't remove the app files from /etc !):

sudo apt-get purge indicator-systemtray-unity