Install SNAP

How to install Snapd and Snap Store on Linux Mint 21 Vanessa

1. Disable nosnap.pref

Now, how is the Linux Mint restricted its users from using the SNAP? It simply has created a preference file called nosnap.pref under /etc/apt/preferences.d/ directory to tell the system which package it should avoid searching or installing if someone calls for it.

Hence, either simply delete it or change its file extension, so that our system would not be able to use it. Here we are removing it.

sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref

Instead of removing, you could also rename the extention. Especially if You want to reverse tha change

2. Update Linux Mint 21

After deleting thenosap.pref file; run the system update command. This helps the APT package manager to rebuild the system’s package index cache and also to know where is the Snapd package to download and install.

sudo apt update


3. Install Snapd on Linux Mint 21

Now, we can easily install the SNAPD package that will provide a command line Snap package manager on our Linux Mint 21.

sudo apt install snapd

4. Install Snap Store on Linux Mint 21

Well, if you are not comfortable with the command line, then install the Snap Store, a graphical user interface for the Snap package manager. On your command terminal just run:

sudo snap install snap-store

Now you can install Snaps from the snapstore. After one reboot, the snaps are well integrated in your system. You may now reverse the preferences we removed at the beginning

5. Uninstall Snapd & snap store

To remove the SNAP store or Snapd, we can use the command terminal of the Linux Mint.

For uninstalling snap store (GUI)

sudo snap remove snap-store

To remove the Snap package manager:

sudo apt autoremove --purge snapd

6. Snap management

See the main article here:

In short there is no such thing als flatseal for flatpak. You should manege permissions with the terminal.:

To see which interfaces a snap is using, and which interfaces it could use but isn’t, type 

snap connections <snapname>

To see all connections

snap connections

Adding --all to the snap connections command will list all interfaces, including those without a connection:

snap connections --all

When you need to connect an interface manually, such as when you want to grant a snap access to audio-record for audio input, use the snap connect command:

snap connect <snap>:<plug interface> <snap>:<slot interface>

A slot and a plug can only be connected if they have the same interface name. For example, to connect VLC’s audio-record plug to the system’s audio-record, you’d enter the following:

sudo snap connect vlc:audio-record :audio-record

Add the --no-wait option to snap connect or snap disconnect to run the process in the background and return immediately to the command prompt.

To disconnect an interface, use snap disconnect