One of the applications that’s missing from the Linux desktop is a good WYSIWYG HTML editor. There have been a few, like NVU and KompoZer, but they haven’t been actively developed for a while.

Enter BlueGriffon. Built on top of Gecko (the rendering engine used by Firefox), BlueGriffon enables you to create web pages using HTML5, CSS3, and other widely-used web standards.

Let’s take a look at how to build web pages with BlueGriffon.

Installing BlueGriffon

Head on over to the BlueGriffon download page. You can either grab an installer or an archive containing the program’s files.

If you downloaded the installer, pop open a terminal window and navigate to the directory in which you downloaded the archive. Then, run the following commands:

chmod +x BlueGriffon-x.x.x-Linux-[arch]-Install sudo ./BlueGriffon-x.x.x-Linux-[arch]-Install

Where x.x.x is the version of BlueGriffon (the current version is 1.1.1) and [arch] is the architecture of your distribution (x86 for 32-bit systems or x86_64 for 64-bit systems). Follow the prompts. The installer copies the program’s files into the folder /usr/local/BlueGriffon.

If you downloaded the archive, just extract it to a directory in your path. Then, either manually add a launcher for the application to your system menu or add the path to the directory /usr/local/BlueGriffon to your system path.

Read more about BlueGriffon here.

Installing Seamonkey

Another option is Seamonkey. A mozilla firefox based browser with a compozer mode.

You find it here:


It cannot be installed with a.deb file. But simpy download the file, extract it in a directory and start the executable.