RuneAudio tips

Rune audio is a versatile distribution for the raspberry PI to manage your MP3 collection and play it via your stereo set. It can be controlled from any computer in your network, including a smartphone.

I will not explain how to install it. You can read that on their website.

Here I will explain something about extra issues you may run into.


Add files to your runeaudio server without unplugging the USB stick.

First When you want to add files to the database of runeaudio. It is possible to conect to the runeauio Raspberry PI using sFTP

On Ubuntu first install a proper ftp client " gFTP" and a proper ssh client "Remmina":

sudo apt install gftp remmina

launch Remmina and make a ssh connection. In this example is the IP number of the raspberry PI running runeaudio.

Login with username root and password rune

Change the password of user mpd using in the window with the ssh connection (that means you change it on the Runeaudio server):

sudo passwd mpd

enter a new password twice

and remember this password. Now close the SSH connection.

Now we close remmina and launch gFTP

Enter a new connection with these parameters:

Host: The IP number of your Raspberry PI running Runeaudio

Username mpd

Password your just created password

Protocol SSH2

and click the connect button in the left. You should be connected now with your runeaudioserver.

On the left you navigate to your music collection and to the right you navigate to your USB stick or hard drive with your music collection on the Runeaudio server. It is ussualy found at /mnt/MPD/USB.

You could make a bookmark of this connection and don't forget to remember the password for your convenience.