Re enable legacy boot on chromebook

After pressing enter at the scary bootscreen youǘe got when you enabled developer mode. The machine is poiwerwashed and in new state again. You van boot into linux anymore.

Thatś the reason I installed Ubuntu on a flash disk instead of the internal harddrive.

To re-enable the developermode press ESC - REFRESH and POWER simultaneously

press CTRL D and confirm to enter developermode and agree with the compulsory powerwash.

If you just get several beeps when you press Ctrl-L to boot into Linux on your Chromebook, don’t fret – press Ctrl-D to boot into ChromeOS, but DON’T LOG IN. Instead, change terminals to get a shell. The function keys at the top of the keyboard (the row with “Esc” at the far left) map to the F-keys on a normal keyboard, and ctrl-alt-[Fkey] works here just as it would in Linux. The [forward arrow] key two keys to the right of Esc maps to F2, so pressing ctrl-alt-[forward arrow on top row] will bring you to tty2, which presents you with a standard Linux login prompt.

Log in as chronos (no password, unless you’d previously set one). Now, one command will get you right:

sudo crossystem dev_boot_usb=1 dev_boot_legacy=1

That’s it. You’re now ready to reboot and SUCCESSFULLY Ctrl-L into your existing Linux install.